
How to wear sneakers in autumn and winter?

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Winter and autumn styling should, above all, be warm and comfortable. However, nothing prevents you from combining these features with originality! Unusual shoes are a very important part of an outfit. Do you want to know how to wear sneakers when the weather outside the window becomes capricious and temperatures often drop to just a few degrees? We give you a hint!

A few words about sneakers

The name sneakers comes from the English “to sneak”, meaning “to sneak”. In the nineteenth century it was used to describe shoes with a distinctive rubber sole. At first they were produced by Keds, but a while later Converse and Adidas also began distributing this model. At the time, sneakers were dedicated primarily to athletes, only with time they began to be part of street fashion. The turning point in the history of this footwear was 1985, when Michael Jordan played a match in them and delighted the audience. Since then, this model has become a popular part of many styles.

Sneakers – how to wear them when the weather is not spoiling?

Sneakers are shoes that can be worn at any time of the year. As a rule, however, they are worn in summer and late spring. Nothing prevents you from dressing them also for autumn and winter styling. For a long time on the streets of many cities, regardless of the weather, you can see women who compose outfits with these shoes. Especially in winter it is worth buying insulated sneakers, because they will keep us warm and allow us to feel special. It all depends on what model we choose.

Winter sneakers must be comfortable, warm and, of course, match your daily outfits. Many models have a special insulated lining, which further makes the shoes more comfortable to wear. It is these that are produced for the colder seasons. In some sneakers there is a characteristic fur in the upper, which prevents moisture from getting inside the shoe. When buying it is worth paying attention to the sole, which should necessarily be of sufficient thickness to insulate the feet from the cold ground and possibly snow.

Insulated sneakers are great for winter and autumn. You can include them as a permanent part of your outfits. These shoes fit both with pants and with skirts. You do not have to limit yourself. Just try to fit such a model that will provide you with extra protection, so that you will definitely not get cold when the temperature outside drops.

Sneakers look beautiful with slim-fitting pants. They can be tube pants, tight jeans or even leggings. In winter, you can also choose sporty dresses and knit or denim skirts, which you can successfully combine with them. Thick, warm winter sweaters will also look very good with these shoes. This will give you comfort, warmth and a fashionable look. Such styling is a good idea both for every day and for a bigger outing. 

This year, sneakers in white color will be especially fashionable. Designers proposed to combine them this season with, among other things, classic women’s suits. Such styling looks extremely elegant and will be perfect for special occasions.

main photo: Böttinger

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